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IT support that protects your law practice.

We're invested in your tomorrow.

Ready for a free quote?

You may be a good fit to work with TylerTech if...

You are concerned about protecting sensitive client data

Your practice is growing but you don't have a dedicated IT team member

Your systems are outdated and need better technology

You are not confident in your cybersecurity practices

You need reliable storage that scales with your business

Reliable Solutions.

Bar None.

IT Support for the legal industry works with your on-the-go schedule to protect your practice while you protect your clients. We know client data and a flexible workspace is essential to running a successful practice. Whether you are a small firm or large practice, outsourcing your IT services allows us to keep you secure and accessible anywhere, all the time.

TylerTech IT Solutions continues to be a valued resource as the law firms evolve while providing ongoing support, security, cloud, and threat remediation services.

Reviewing the Laws

Super Lawyers

"We have used TylerTech for years and it has been the best decision we could have made."  

"We have used TylerTech for years and it has been the best decision we could have made.  Once when opposing counsel declared under penalty perjury that we never sent discovery, Tyler and his team was able to show forensically and through his declaration that they were in fact served. We were able to get sanctions against the firm and received more than the tentative. I credit TylerTech for that victory."

- Rosemary Amezcua-Moll, Attorney

IT Services for Your Law Practice

Personalized support without objections.

Heightened Security

Keeping client data protected from outside threats.

Reliable Workspace

Simple access to your files when and wherever you need them.

Budget Friendly

Only pay for what you need in the cloud.

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